About Me.

Hi, I'm Rosemary. This blog is solely for my comm tech course. You will not find anything personal about myself here, instead you will find blogs about a series of topics in which I am told to write about. Thanks for taking the time to hear me out! Hope you enjoy what I have to say.


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December 2008
May 2009
June 2009

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Cell Phones Matter

I find it ironic that I'm writing about disrespectful cell phone use, and yet I'm listening to it right now, as I type. The growth of cell phones has expanded a lot, and I am surprised to see how much it has affected the society! (By the way, my cell phone just rang. Uh-oh.) So many people have cell phones now a days, including the youngest, and oldest people. Kids seen in elementary school are even caught with cell phone, which I find quite ridiculous. Cell phones are seen as being a necessity for many due to its wonderful advantages. Technology these days are on a rapid speed growth, and will probably not slow down any time soon. I can remember only about a few years ago when flip phones, or blackberry's were non-existent. My, how times have changed.

It is not rare for me to see someone text messaging a friend during class, or a person on the phone while having company already. A Sunday mass ever goes by where a cell phone does not ring out loud, that's very sad. These actions are no doubt disrespectful. They do not show that you have the proper amount of respect for the teacher, or the company in which you are with. I believe that teenagers do not see the 'rude' perception of using a portable phone, the way that adults do, partly because teenagers have grown up with these pieces of technology. Teenagers do not find it different or being a milestone in history that way that some adults may find it. Adults were much less exposed to technology when they were a child compared to teenagers today. Teenagers find technology part of their everyday lives, whereas adults can see the general difference of its impact.

The use of a cell phone, allows teenagers to interact with one another very easily. I can understand where the need to talk to or text a friend may seem crucial, yet teenagers need to know when it is appropriate to use their cell phone. Text messaging a friend during your English period, is not a appropriate time frame.
I believe that although the use of a cell phone has many advantages it can also be seen as distracting. The following are five rules that I feel are necessary in having when using a cell phone

1) Be aware of the environment you are in with your cell phone. You should know where you should turn your phone off or to either silent. A church is a good example of where you should turn off your cell phone, to be respectful
2) Consider the volume of your voice. Do you ever hear those extra loud people on the ttc? Make sure that you are not screaming on your cell phone as you may disturb the people around you.
3) When in company, keep phone calls to a minimum. It is quite rude to be having a conversation with someone on the phone when you are in the company of other people. If necessary, stay on the phone for a couple of minutes if it is urgent.
4) Cell phones should not be used at all when driving. When you are driving, you can easily be in a car crash and hurt physically. When on the phone, you would be increasing the chances of a car crash.
5) Be conscious off the type of language you are using. Some people are you may find words very disrespectful or inconsiderate.