About Me.

Hi, I'm Rosemary. This blog is solely for my comm tech course. You will not find anything personal about myself here, instead you will find blogs about a series of topics in which I am told to write about. Thanks for taking the time to hear me out! Hope you enjoy what I have to say.


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December 2008
May 2009
June 2009

Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Campaign Trial

Throughout the year of 2008, both John McCain and Barack Obama promoted their platforms in effort of getting the attention of United States citizens. Barack Obama's ad campaign consisted of taking a very well-known commercial and changing the concepts to fit the reality Americans have been facing under the leadership of George Bush.

The first video that I watched was a Budweiser advertisement. In this commercial it showed typical American men on the phone together, continuously saying, “wassup” to one another. Barack Obama’s ad campaign was very similar, yet instead had the men placed in different situations that many Americans have been through. One man is in the armed forces, fighting in Iraq. Another man is standing in what looks like a severe hurricane, that the United States have been through more than once. The other man is looking at results of the economy, which shows a dramatic decrease. And the last man is in need of pain killers for his injuries yet cannot get any.

Barack Obama’s ad campaign was very clever and effective. Unlike, other political ad campaigns, Barack Obama focused his ad on the problems America has recently been suffering through and how a big change is needed for a new chapter in history. Other political ads, in comparison show the negative aspects of their competition rather than the change they want to implement. Barack Obama used humour in his ad campaign which is an excellent idea.

The topics addressed in Barack Obama's commercial includes the war in Iraq, the state of the economy, declining stocks, and natural disasters America has suffered through in the past year or so. These topics make the audience contemplate about what kind of leader they need to improve as a country.

Barack Obama’s message to the American people is that America does in fact need a change. This change can be occurred with a positive and intelligent leader who can represent all Americans. From this advertisement, Obama promises to address a change if he indeed wins the election.